Even MORE WLiiA Video Clips!

This page was relocated from Homestead to Tripod on: July 14, 2000

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Yes, another Whose Line page has flown the proverbial Homestead coop. I didn't like the way this one was set up anyway, so decided since I can't seem to get the Homestead page designer to work now that they've "new and improved" it, I'd fix what I didn't like over here in a new location that actually works. :)

Things of note on the new page: it contains less graphics so it should load much faster now, and since I never heard any negative remarks to the new format on some of the other pages, the direct links to idrive are gone, just click here, visit "sherwood04", and click on "shared" to jump right into my idrive download directory... So with that being said, let's bring on the clips!...

...Starting with two with Sandi and Tony, from "Alphabet"
Two people chattin' each other up

File names: az_chat.mpg and az_chat2.mpg

From Part 1 - "Good, 'cause I quite like your suit..." - Sandi

"Hurrah!" - Tony

From Part 2: "Zing! went the strings of my heart..." - Tony


Next is two from "Psychiatrist"

From Part 1 (afraidofhats.mpg)- with Josie and Jim, he's, well, afraid of hats:
"I hate those hats, they scare the life outa me..." - Jim

From Part 2 (ninjaturtle.mpg): with Josie and Tony, he's obsessed with the Ninja Turtles...
"...then I find myself falling in love with a shiny terrapin..." - Tony


Tony is getting DOWN with his bad self,
doing that "Baking" gospel thing...

"I like to take my clothes off and
cover my body with icing..."

File name: baking_gospel.mpg


Tony belting out another gospel tune,
this time about "Trainspotting"...

"Whooo! I make love like a locomotiiiiive!"

File name: trainspotting.mpg


Tony, from "Authors" - he's doing "My Little Pony", obviously. :)

"Why is everything so garishly coloured? It's because we all take methyl-dextroamphetamine sulfate!" (or some such thing, anyway...)

  (Dextroamphetamine sulfate is used to treat narcolepsy... read into THAT what you will... )

File name: mylittlepony.mpg

From Clive, just after he botches the title of Tony's "Author"...

"...'My Little Tony' is something different."

File name: mylittletony.mpg

From "Secret": Colin and Ryan are doing the Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Colin has just discovered Ryan's Secret - A TUBA!  

"I didn't think the bell impressed you anymore, thought a little tuba would turn you on..." - Ryan

File name: hunchback.mpg


It's a HOE-DOWN! What Colin and Ryan would do if they happened to win the lottery...

"Boy, would I go crazy, I'd probably even - *cough!* " - Ryan

File name: lottery.mpg


Here's three more clips featuring Tony! Hope nobody minds! :)

Clip 1 - charlie.mpg - With Greg, Sandi, and Mike, from "That Must Be Charlie Now",
a most peculiar little game, but pretty funny.

"Why? Because his head's small like an ocelot, and he barks?" - Greg
Clip 2 -
mumps.mpg - With Josie, in the "Great American Musical": She's pregnant, and he's just come down with mumps...

"When I got up this morning, and looked DOWN THERE..." - Tony
Clip 3 -
tonymaiden.mpg - With Greg, Mike, and Sandi (though this clip just features Sandi and Tony) - she's reviewing and presenting clips from a B-movie, he's the -ehem- maiden...

"...because the local flora blows my miiind..." - Tony

Tony, in Worlds Worst, presenting "Great Moments In History"...

"Number One - the Parting of the Red Sea..."

(check out Josie's reaction... :) )

File name: redsea.mpg

Tony, doing the "Wedding" March -

"...I'm going to leave my wife, as quickly as I can, 'cause I don't like her, I like the best man..."

File name: weddingmarch.mpg

Time for a few digs at Clive again!

First as the Worlds Worst person to captain a submarine,
then he's the theme of Tony's Party Quirks party...

File name:

File name:


This "Party Quirks" clip features Greg, the Compulsive Talker, and finishes off with Jim Sweeney, who can't seem to get anything to come out of his mouth correctly...

File name: pq_compulsive.mpg


From "Film and Theatre Styles" with Steve Frost and Tony: Steve's a psychic, and Tony the disgruntled customer. This clip is when Clive buzzes them and has them switch to "Ballet".

File name: psychicballet.mpg


Let's finish up like we started, eh?
Tony and Sandi again, this time it's Film and Theatre Styles,
they're shipwrecked...

Clip 1 - shipwreck1.mpg -
"Let's look under 'M' for 'Multiple', shall we, Sandi?" - Tony

Clip 2 - shipwreck2.mpg -
"I don't know... there was an orgasm, it was some time ago,
it certainly wasn't you..." - Sandi


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"But the only thing you have to remember is that you're PENGUINS..." - Clive

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